SmashIT! is an iPad game developed as a software project for university. It was created by a team of 10 students including me. Play exciting matches with your friends locally or online!
Suggest a Movie helps you to find a movie to watch. You can easily search for things like release date, rating or genre. Add the movies you want to watch later to your personal watchlist and sort your watchlist with the included drag and drop sort feature.
App Manager is an app that helps you to easily manage, share and uninstall your apps. With the included search, sort and filter functions it's far superior to the default Android settings app. Select your favorite apps and share them in seconds.
Debt Tracker can help you to manage debts. Paid a beer for your friend? Just add it to your Debt Tracker and you won't forget about it. With the "Split expense" feature you can easily split an expense between multiple people.